Pláta Chreathadh Comhlacht Iomlán | Tiscare
Pláta Chreathadh Comhlacht Iomlán | Tiscare
Níorbh fhéidir infhaighteacht bailithe a lódáil
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Is féidir é a thabhairt duit cad é?
Úsáideann meaisín cleachtaidh pláta creathadh TISSCARE ascaluithe ard-minicíochta chun crapthaí matáin a spreagadh, ag dul i ngleic le grúpaí matán iomadúla ag an am céanna, ag ardú ár ráta croí, ag cur chun cinn sruthán calraí le linn agus tar éis workouts. Tá an ghníomhaíocht shrathaithe chomhsheasmhach seo ríthábhachtach chun torthaí fadtéarmacha meáchain caillteanas a bhaint amach.
Soláthraíonn an meaisín aclaíochta pláta shake workout íseal-tionchar, ag laghdú strus ar ár joints, a threisiú gcúrsaíocht agus meitibileacht, a laghdú tinneas muscle. Déanann pláta tonnchrith Waver sé oiriúnach do dhaoine aonair ag leibhéil folláine éagsúla, tacaíonn sé le draenáil lymphatic, lena n-áirítear iad siúd a thagann chucu féin ó ghortuithe, cuireann sé bealach tarraingteach ar fáil chun fanacht aclaí agus sláintiúil.
Mód Láimhe: luasanna creathadh inchoigeartaithe (1-120) agus Mód Cliste: 5 mhinicíocht creathadh réamhshocraithe (P1-P5), saincheap do shocruithe creathadh chun d’éifeachtúlacht aclaíochta a uasmhéadú. Le 2 bhanda friotaíochta, déan cleachtaí coirp iomláin éagsúla a chuireann toning muscle agus caillteanas saille chun cinn. Is féidir le díreach 10-20 nóiméad sa lá ar na plátaí creathadh buntáistí suntasacha a thabhairt.
An meaisín pláta creathadh le cumas meáchain suntasach de 300 lb. Cinntíonn tithíocht ABS dromchla frith-duillín agus resistant tionchair marthanacht agus cosnaíonn sé an mótar, soláthraíonn sé cobhsaíocht agus sábháilteacht do gach úsáideoir, rud a chinntíonn taithí workout baile iontaofa. Dlúth agus dearadh taitneamhach ó thaobh aeistéitiúil, luíonn sé gan uaim in aon seomra aclaíochta baile nó spás maireachtála.
Ag an rialú iargúlta nó scáileán tadhaill LED a choigeartú go héasca suímh agus monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar am agus luas le linn workout.
Moltar modh P1/P2 do dhaoine aonair a bhfuil oistéapóróis orthu nó dóibh siúd atá os cionn 60 bliain d’aois, ag roghnú minicíocht oiriúnach i mód aclaíochta réidh.
Téigh i gcomhairle le do dhochtúir sula n-úsáideann tú an táirge seo má tá aon riochtaí leighis agat, mar shampla toircheas, galar cardashoithíoch, oistéapóróis, smior neamhghnácha, saincheisteanna croí, nó Hipirtheannas.

I’ve been using this vibration plate for only three days, and I’m already noticing a difference! It’s easy to use, and I can feel my muscles being activated during each session. My legs and core feel more engaged, and I’ve experienced less muscle soreness after workouts.
The different vibration settings and resistance bands add variety, and the machine is very sturdy and quiet. It’s also compact, so it fits perfectly in my small space. I’m excited to keep using it and see even more results over time. Highly recommend it for anyone wanting to upgrade their fitness routine!
With young kids around, finding time for fitness used to be a challenge, but now I can easily exercise while they play nearby—it’s a win-win for everyone!
The platform is incredibly versatile, offering a full-body workout without taking up much space. I love how it engages muscles I didn’t even know I had, all while letting me focus on spending quality time with my children. Whether I’m doing squats, lunges, or simply standing on it, the vibrations add a layer of intensity that makes every movement count.
The machine itself is sleek and sturdy, with intuitive controls that make switching between settings simple. It feels stable and secure, which is important when you’re multitasking with kids in the room. Plus, it’s quiet enough that it doesn’t disrupt the flow of our day, making it ideal for squeezing in a workout whenever I have a few minutes.
This isn’t just about fitness—it’s about making healthy living a part of our family’s everyday routine. Watching my kids giggle as they mimic my moves or join me for a quick stretch has been so rewarding. If you’re looking for a way to stay active while balancing family life, this vibration plate is a game-changer!
Great packaging, fast delivery. Very easy just plug in and select the program you want. The platform is very sturdy and is a nice size so I feel comfortable on it. I also like the texture for gripping. You can really feel the vibration on the first level and how it works the body. I’m happy with how I feel on the beginner setting, and I’m excited to see long term results once I can work up to the highest level.
Helps my husband with his knees already and I have noticed my love handles getting smaller after only a few weeks🥰
"I never thought a 10-minute workout could actually make a difference, but this device has proved me wrong.